Convert date to string sql
Convert date to string sql

convert date to string sql

Here is the result: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 To convert the current system date to a long date string, you use the DL date format as follows: SELECT


The result is: Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) The following statement converts the current system date to a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD: SELECT The Oracle TO_CHAR() function returns a string represented a DATE or INTERVAL value in a specified format. If you omit it, the TO_CHAR() function uses the default date language. The nlsparam argument has the following form: 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = language'Ĭode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) The nlsparam argument specifies the languages for names and abbreviations of day and month e.g., Monday, Mon, January, Jan, etc., in the result string. To compose value for the date_format argument, you use the Oracle date format model. If you omit it, the TO_CHAR() function will use the default date format for DATE values, default timestamp format for TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value, and default timestamp with time zone format for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE values. The date_format is a string that determines the format that the result string should be in. The data type of expr can be DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE. The expr is a DATE or an INTERVAL value that should be converted. The Oracle TO_CHAR() accepts three arguments: The following illustrates the syntax of the TO_CHAR() function: TO_CHAR(expr ) Ĭode language: SQL (Structured Query Language) ( sql ) Arguments The Oracle TO_CHAR() function is very useful for formatting the internal date data returned by a query in a specific date format. The Oracle TO_CHAR() function converts a DATE or INTERVAL value to a string in a specified date format.

Convert date to string sql